A release date for the fourth season of Netflix‘s You has been released – find details and see a new teaser trailer below. The show, which...
Gorillaz and Beck debuted a new collaboration at the former’s Los Angeles show this weekend (September 23) – watch them perform ‘Possession Island’ below. READ MORE: ‘Gorillaz’...
Aphex Twin has launched a new sample matching app called ‘Samplebrain’ – find all the details and check it out for yourself below. In a post...
Post Malone was scheduled to perform to in Boston, Massachusetts tonight (September 24), but cancelled the show after he was taken to hospital for excruciating pain....
Roger Waters has denied reports that he’d cancelled the two Polish dates of his 2023 world tour, instead accusing a councillor in Krakow – the city...
Jazz legend and award-winning saxophonist Pharoah Sanders has died at the age of 81. The news was revealed in a statement yesterday (September 24) from the...
Sleater-Kinney have confirmed details of the forthcoming ‘Dig Me Out’ covers album – listen to Courtney Barnett‘s version of ‘Words And Guitar’ below. READ MORE: Sleater-Kinney – ‘Path...