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Dame Deborah James’s mother tells us that her family proudly collected a degree for her daughter.

Updated: 11:47 EDT, 7 September 2022
Dame Deborah James’s family celebrated a ‘bittersweet day’ as they attended a ceremony to receive an honorary degree. The ceremony was held at Guildhall in London. The family was accompanied by Lauren Mahon, Dame Deborah’s You, Me & The Big C hosts, and Steve Bland, who were also awarded degrees for their outstanding contributions to raising awareness about living with cancer. Heather, a gymnastics coach, wrote that today was bittersweet. The Institute of Cancer Research awarded Deborah and her colleagues Lauren from You, Me & The Big C honorary degrees for their outstanding contributions in raising awareness about cancer and the importance of research. We were proud to accept the award for Deborah in the most beautiful setting of London’s Guild Hall City. She posted photos of her, Deborah’s brother Benjamin, and Sarah in the grand building where they received the degree. She also showed a photo of her document from the Institute of Cancer Research. Lauren Mahon, co-host of this podcast, was diagnosed in May with breast cancer. Steve Bland is the husband of Rachael Bland. He was an original podcast host and died in 2018 from breast cancer. Heather posted a clip on her Instagram story of Alistair speaking to the crowd after he accepted the degree. It was also mixed with sadness, as she realized that it was one of her first entries in her calendar that she would not be able to fulfill. “However, in recognition of the importance of this award to her, Deborah made it clear that her family should be present today to support her and to thank the Institute and its staff. People commented on the post to express their gratitude for Deborah’s achievement. One person wrote: “Just amazing, congratulations. She is dancing with you. “Deborah’s friend Gaby Rosslin, who wrote the foreword to the late campaigner’s book How to Live When You Can Be Dead, posted several heart emoticons underneath the photos. Another well-wisher commented: “What a wonderful achievement. It was a difficult and sad day. You all did her proud, I’m sure. “Mother-of-2 Deborah James died in June at 40 years old. She had been diagnosed with incurable bowel carcinoma five years prior. The former headteacher became a tireless advocate for sharing the details of her life with cancer via Instagram and TikTok. Heather often teamed up with her mother to create funny dances. The broadcaster announced in May that she was moving to Woking to receive palliative treatment. She also opened the BowelBabe Fund to help raise money for Cancer Research UK. Her family posted a sad announcement on Instagram: “Dame Deborah James, the most amazing wife and daughter, sister, mother, and friend.” Deborah died peacefully today, surrounded her family. ‘Deborah (known to many as Bowelbabe) was an inspiration. We are so proud of her tireless efforts to raise awareness about cancer and her dedication to charity campaigning and fundraising. They added: “A few final words from Deborah find a life you enjoy; take risks; love deeply; never regret; and always, always have rebellious hopes. Finally, make sure you check your poo. It could save your life. Professor Kristian Helin is the chief executive of the Institute of Cancer Research in London. He said that it was a great honor to be able recognize and celebrate such highly deserving individuals with honorary degrees from ICR. Their podcast has had an amazing impact on the lives of Lauren, Steve, and Deborah. It is important to remember Rachael’s contributions today. You, Me, and the Big C have helped others with cancer feel less alone, provide information about treatment options, and showcased advances in cancer research. “We are extremely sorry Deborah couldn’t be there, but we are glad her family could join us in honoring her incredible legacy, which continues the benefit of so many people living with cancer.


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Kroger participates in Food-Related Crisis Conference

Kroger announced its participation last week in the National Convening To Inform the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health at Washington D.C.’s Bipartisan Policy Center. The event was designed to bring together critical viewpoints to help find and consider solutions to many of the U.S.’s chronic problems, including those related to hunger, nutrition, and diet. Zero Waste commitment to help create communities free of hunger and waste as well as our Food As Medicine platform that helps people lives healthier lives. We are grateful to the Task Force on Hunger, Nutrition and Health and the Bipartisan Policy Centre for inviting us to join this important conversation. Zero Waste” impact plan, with which Keith Dailey, Kroger’s group vice president of corporate affairs and chief sustainability officer, notes that the company hopes to direct over three billion meals to feed hungry American families by 2025.The event brought together scientists, nonprofits, community organizations, industry representatives, and congressional leaders to discuss strategies to end hunger, improve nutrition, and reduce diet-related chronic disease in the U.S. by 2030. These topics will be discussed at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health in September.


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WHO confirms Marburg Disease: Signs to be aware

 WHO confirms Marburg Disease outbreak: Signs you should knowHealth News WHO recently declared Marburg disease an epidemic following its infected many people in central Africa. Here are the facts. What is Marburg disease? Find out more here.  The World Health Organisation has recently declared Marburg disease an epidemic. Nine people died in Equatorial Guinea, Central Africa’s first ever outbreak of Marburg disease.

After testing samples from Equatorial Guinea, the global health authority confirmed that the disease was an epidemic. Nearly 200 people were asked to quarantine in order to stop the spread of the disease. There have been previous outbreaks in other parts of Africa such as Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Guinea, South Africa and Uganda. However, this is the first Marburg outbreak in Equatorial Guinea. The disease is highly contagious, so it is important to learn all you can about it. Marburg disease is a bat-borne disease that can spread to people through direct contact with infected bodily fluids and objects.

According to WHO, Marburg disease is similar in appearance to Ebola virus. It is a highly contagious disease with a fatality rate of up to 88 per cent. According to the US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, Marburg is a rare hemorhagic fever that can cause organ damage and bleeding. It is a zoonotic viral that, along six Ebola viruses, forms the filovirus family. It was first identified in 1967. Symptoms of Marburg disease include fever, diarrhoea and tiredness. The incubation period for the disease is between 2-21 days. Symptoms include:Fever, headaches, myalgia, and nausea. Serious symptoms of Marburg disease. If the disease progresses, it can cause severe symptoms such as:Rash on check, back or stomach Nausea Vomiting Chest pain Sore throat Abdominal pain Diarrhoea. Health authorities may use intravenous fluids or oral rehydration to treat the symptoms of the Marburg virus.

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Study shows that excessive alcohol intake can increase Covid-19 risk Here are some ways to protect yourself

Study finds that excessive alcohol intake can increase Covid-19 risk How to protect yourself health News Everyone is aware of the side effects that alcohol can have on your health. Did you know that alcohol can make you more susceptible to Covid-19? Drinking too much alcohol can increase your Covid-19 risk. However, alcohol can be dangerous for your health. Although drinking to a reasonable level may not cause harm, excessive amounts of alcohol can have a devastating effect on your health. It can cause problems in your body that you don’t even know about. A new study has shown that excessive alcohol can make you more susceptible to Covid-19.

The side effects of drinking excessive alcohol can make you more susceptible to developing coronavirus disease. This was revealed in a study published in the journal Alcohol: Clinical and Experiment Research. The German study found that excessive drinking can raise levels of the ACE2 enzyme, which is used by coronavirus to enter cells. This increases the chance of contracting the virus through direct exposure. The researchers found that chronic alcohol consumption increases the levels of ACE2 within the lungs of the rats in the study. It was possible that SARS-CoV-2 could infect the lungs. It was possible that SARS-CoV-2 could infect the lungs. Here are some ways to avoid alcohol. You should set a goal. This will help you decide how much alcohol you will drink. It should be within the guidelines.

Limit your alcohol intake to no more than 2 drinks per day for men and 1 drink per day for women. Keep track of your alcohol intake. Once you have decided how much alcohol you will be drinking, it’s a good idea to keep track of how many drinks you consume each day. Apps can be used to track your alcohol intake. This will help you reduce the risk of Covid-19. Ask for help from family members. It can be difficult, so it is worth sharing the process with family members. You need to have a plan in place for cravings. Make a plan. You need to remind yourself of the dangers of alcohol. Find a hobby, talk with loved ones, or exercise. Find the right distraction for you and make it work. Exercise is a great alternative for alcohol.

Many people turn to alcohol to relieve anxiety. However, exercise can also help. Studies also show that exercising can help with anxiety and stress. Avoid alcohol triggers It could be watching the match. What about getting together with your alcoholic friends? Is it loneliness? If you’re with friends who drink alcohol, try saying “No”. If you are feeling lonely, talk to someone. If you are struggling with alcohol cravings, talk to someone about it. If not quit, at least reduce its intake.


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Consuming ultra-processed foods can increase your chance of developing cancer.

Home Health News Consuming ultra-processed food can increase your chance of developing cancer. These foods can increase your chances of developing cancer or other diseases. Consuming ultra-processed foods can increase your chance of developing cancer. Ultra-processed food has always had a bad reputation in the world of nutrition. There are endless studies that show the negative effects of eating highly processed foods. Ultra-processed foods include packaged goods such as bread and ready-to-eat cereals. These foods are high in salt, fat and sugar and can cause health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

A new study also suggests that high-processed foods could increase your risk of developing cancer. People tend to eat more ultra-processed food because they are cheap and come in attractive packaging. Ultra-processed foods include bread, biscuits and breakfast cereals, as well as instant soups, carbonated drinks, instant yogurts, fruit-flavored yogurts and ham. The harmful effects of ultra-processed food are well-known.

The World Health Organisation and United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation have restricted the consumption of ultra processed food. They contain harmful ingredients like added sugar, salt, or saturated fats. They also lack dietary fiber and vitamins that are essential for overall health. Several studies have shown that eating foods high in sugar can lead you to obesity, metabolic syndrome, type-2 diabetes, and other conditions. Ultra-processed carbs can cause a rise in blood sugar and insulin levels. A study published in British Medical Journal found that 10 percent more ultra-processed foods could increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disorders, and coronary artery disease. Another study in the same journal found that eating too many processed foods can increase your risk of developing obesity and even cause death.

Unprocessed foods can be replaced with healthier alternatives to reduce your risk of developing unwanted illnesses. It may seem difficult at first but regular consumption of healthy foods can help you stick to healthy eating habits. Keep healthy snacks close by so you don’t feel deprived between meals. Whole grains are rich in fiber which can help reduce your cancer risk. Keep hydrated. We often underestimate the importance of drinking water. Drink at least 10-12 glasses of fluids every day. To increase your nutrient intake, eat more fruits and vegetables. Oatmeal can be substituted for breakfast cereal. Replace processed foods with healthy foods like nuts, salads, and other healthy options. You now know how dangerous processed foods can be. It is time to stop eating unhealthy foods and start eating healthier.

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Health and Wellness

Smartphone use can cause vision impairment in women: Are you being cautious?

Home Health News Smartphone use can cause blindness in a woman aged 30 years old. This was recently discovered in Hyderabad. Here are some ways to protect your eyes from vision impairment caused by smartphone use. Smartphone use has led to vision impairment in a woman. How much time do your smartphones consume? Smartphones have become an integral part of people’s daily lives over the past decade. It plays an important role in every day life, from taking photos to managing work. They are very useful, but how much time do you spend on your phone? Worse, you can spend 9-10 hours on your laptop and then look at your phone. Smartphones have many harmful effects.

Smartphones have many negative effects. One example is the Hyderabad woman who was blinded by her smartphone. Manju, a 30-year old woman, was diagnosed with smartphone vision syndrome (SVS) following her use of her phone in the dark for nearly 1.5 years. Dr. Sudhir Kumar shared the tweets. Dr. Sudhir Kumar listed several symptoms, including bright flashes, zigzag patterns and trouble focusing on or seeing certain objects. After further analysis of her past, it was discovered that the disease was caused by her long-term use smartphones. She was not prescribed any medication to relieve her symptoms. Instead, she was advised that she reduce the amount of time she spends on her phone to deal with the condition. Vision impairment can be caused by smartphone use.

After following the advice for a month, she noticed a significant improvement in her condition. “Manju was absolutely fine after a one-month review. Her 18-month vision impairment had disappeared. She now had normal vision and didn’t experience any flashes or floaters of light. Dr. Kumar explained that her night vision loss had also stopped. Numerous studies support this claim. The Annals of Palliative Medicine published a study that found smartphone users are at greater risk of developing near and distant vision loss, ocular surface discomfort, and distance vision loss. Numerous studies, including one published in Journal of Medical Internet Research, have shown that smartphones can cause vision problems in children.

Smartphone use may increase the risk of vision problems in children, such as myopia, asthenopia and ocular surface diseases. Dr. Kumar shared some tips to help people who use smartphones less frequently to avoid severe vision-related symptoms. When using digital screens, follow the 20-20-20 rule. To avoid vision problems, you should take a 20-second break every 20 minutes to look at something 20ft away. To reduce visual and ocular problems, you should set a time limit, especially for children.


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